Volunteer! By OR Admin
03/01/22 15:34

Ohio rando cycling is looking for in-person volunteers to help our brevets run smoothly. Our program in Ohio is strongly dependent on the wonderful folks on the sidelines that make our events more accessible, and welcoming than many other RUSA events.

Event day volunteers help with things such as monitoring and passing out snacks and/or drinks at controls, checking riders in at the start and finish, or driving the course to help rescue, photograph or “assist” riders. Volunteer support is fully funded by registration fees, and therefore will come at no cost to the volunteer. Volunteers can be family members, friends, or even active riders that may not be able to participate in the full event. Incentives may include free event registration, event pre rides, and more.

We currently do not have any scheduled volunteers for our March 12th brevet, and only a few suggested volunteers for the remainder of the series. With your RBA participating in the events with the group this year, additional support is welcomed throughout each event.

If you, or someone you know is interested in helping make our brevets the best they can be, please contact RBA Alex Bachmann at rba@ohiorandonneurs.org.

-Alex B

Ohio RBA